ER, BPD, NPD....Therapy Plan 2 (10 Sess)
Service Description
Therapy Plan 2 - could be recommended to you after our initial consultation. This plan is designed to help you committ to working on the identified issues and behaviours of concern. Here we commence psychotherapies, strategies and psycho-education to help you understand your emotional dysregulation, BPD, NPD or ASPD traits or diagnoses. We will look at triggers, behaviours and other barriers you may come up against on the road to healthier balanced emotional states and relationships. We will focuss on what is working and why, and how to keep promoting these positive aspects. We will work on re-routing negative behaviours and beliefs that are not serving you and your journey to a positive, healthier self. In addition we will introduce communication strategies that will help you deal with difficult situations. You will be provided with resources on assertive skills, boundaries and other coping mechanisms to support the positive transitions and changes you are making. (NB: A 10 week committment is required for this program and sessions have been discounted 30% to assist. This package is non-refundable!)
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